Installation of shaft
Fig. 3.112. Installation of a main shaft and secondary shaft with a fork 1/2
Establish at the same time main shaft and a secondary shaft with a fork of 1/2 (fig. 3.112).
Fig. 3.113. A lock finger of a rod 1/2 and and a lock finger of a rod of the fifth transfer In
Establish a lock finger of a rod 1/2 and and a lock finger of a rod of the fifth transfer To (fig. 3.113).
Raise a nave 3/4 a little and establish a fork and a rod 3/4.
Fig. 3.114. Installation in a fork of pins by means of adaptation
Insert into a fork pins by means of adaptation (B.Vi.949) (fig. 3.114).
Fig. 3.115. Installation of a rod of the fifth transfer And yes backing axes In
Establish a rod of the fifth transfer And yes an axis of a backing of Century. For this purpose raise a main shaft (fig. 3.115) a little.
Make sure that are correctly located:
– the aligning plugs;
– magnet;
Fig. 3.116. An arrangement of the aligning plugs, a magnet of adjusting rings for a preliminary tension of bearings on the JR transmission
– adjusting rings for a preliminary tension of bearings on the JR transmission (fig. 3.116).
Fig. 3.117. Installation of springs and balls for blocking 1/2 and 3/4 in a case
Establish springs and balls for blocking 1/2 and 3/4 in a case and squeeze them by means of adaptation (B.Vi.1570) (fig. 3.117).
Apply means of Loctite 518 on a joint surface.
Establish the third transfer.
Put a case, having sent a shaft of management to the third transfer, and establish a spring and a ball for blocking before emergence of a rod of the fifth transfer.
Fig. 3.118. Compression of a ball for blocking
Squeeze a ball for blocking and finish installation of a case (fig. 3.118).
Remove adaptation (B.Vi.1570).
Turn a main shaft for the correct installation of bearings and tighten the pulling together bolt the moment (25 N · м).
Fig. 3.119. Installation to the place of an axis of a backing And
Establish into place an axis of a backing And (fig. 3.119).
Fig. 3.120. Installation of a gear wheel of continuous gearing on a secondary shaft
Apply three drops of Loctite Frenbloc on vents of a gear wheel of continuous gearing and establish it by means of adaptation (B.Vi.1175) (fig. 3.120).
On a main shaft establish:
– a basic ring (the bigger party to a gear wheel);
– the plug under a gear wheel;
– the parasitic gear wheel of the fifth transfer supplied with the synchronizing ring;
Fig. 3.121. Assembly of details of a main shaft
– a nave of the fifth transfer with a spring (fig. 3.121).
Fig. 3.122. Installation of a pin of a fork of the fifth transfer
By means of a core (В.Vi.31-01) establish a pin of a fork of the fifth transfer (fig. 3.122).
Fig. 3.123. Switching off of the first and fifth transfers
Include the first transfer by the switching lever, and the fifth – having shifted its fork along a rod (fig. 3.123).
Tighten a bolt and a nut of gear wheels the moment:
– a nut of a main shaft – 25 N · m;
– a bolt of a secondary shaft – 160 N · m.
Install the transmission in neutral situation.
Establish a new sealing ring.
Fig. 3.124. Installation of a back cover of the transmission
Put a back cover and tighten bolts the moment of 25 N · m (fig. 3.124).
Establish into place the contactor of a backing.
Install into place the rotation frequency sensor for the semi-automatic JH transmission.
Fig. 3.125. Installation of a sealing ring of a shaft of coupling
Establish a sealing ring of a shaft of coupling with the help of adaptation (B.Vi.1601) – for the JR transmission (fig. 3.125).
Fig. 3.126. Installation of the working cylinder of the drive of switching off of coupling
Install the working cylinder of the drive of switching off of coupling and tighten bolts the moment of 21 N · m (fig. 3.126).
Establish a cuff of an output shaft of differential by means of device (B.Vi.945) for the JH transmission and adaptation (B.Vi.1058) – for the JR transmission.
JH transmission.
Put the oiled safety plug A on planetary transfer and put on the oiled cuff With by means of adaptation B (fig. 3.127 and 3.128).
Fig. 3.127. Installation of the safety plug A in special adaptation
Fig. 3.128. Installation of a cuff by means of special adaptation on planetary transfer
JR transmission.
Fig. 3.129. Installation of the safety plug A in spetsivlny adaptation
Put the safety plug A in adaptation (B.Vi.945) on planetary transfer and put on the oiled cuff with the help adaptation (B.Vi.1058) (fig. 3.129 and 3.130).
Fig. 3.130. Installation of a cuff by means of special adaptation on planetary transfer