3.6. Removal and installation of the pipeline of a hydraulic actuator of coupling

Install the car on the elevator.
Disconnect the rechargeable battery.
Remove the top cover of the engine and a lattice of a niche of the air intake.

Fig. 3.10. Removal of fastenings of the panel of access to the air filter: 1 – bolts of fastening of the panel of access; 2 – bolts of fastening of a wall of a niche of the air intake

Turn off two bolts of fastening and the panel of access to the air filter, and also bolts of fastening of a wall of a niche of the air intake (fig. 3.10).

Fig. 3.11. Removal of fastenings of the air intake: 1 – bolts of fastening of the air intake

Turn off bolts of fastening of the air intake (fig. 3.11).
Remove an air intake niche wall.
Remove the rechargeable battery.
Remove the shelf under the rechargeable battery.
Remove the case of the air filter.
Remove with the syringe brake fluid from a tank so that its level was below an opening of supply of liquid to the main cylinder.

Fig. 3.12. Pipeline union clamp (mechanical transmission): 1 – clamp

Raise a clamp (fig. 3.12).
Extend on one click the coupling hydraulic actuator pipeline from the union.
Put rags under an opening for removal of air.
Press a coupling pedal a hand to remove liquid from the main cylinder and from a tube.
Raise a clamp (see fig. 3.12).
Disconnect the pipeline from the working cylinder.
Insert caps into openings.

Fig. 3.13. Pipeline union clamp (automatic transmission): 1 – clamp

Press a hand a clamp, extending at the same time the pipeline (fig. 3.13).

Do not pull for a clamp. At any wrong action it is necessary to replace the pipeline.

Extend on one click the coupling hydraulic actuator pipeline from the union.
Put rags under an opening for removal of air.
Press a hand a pedal to remove liquid from the main cylinder and the pipeline.
Press a clamp.
Disconnect the pipeline from the working cylinder.
Insert caps into openings.

Check a condition of laying.
Installation is made as it should be, the return to removal.
Remove air from a coupling hydraulic actuator.
Check operability of coupling.
Connect the rechargeable battery.