Check of diameter of support of radical bearings of a bent shaft
Establish covers of radical bearings of a bent shaft, having established a cover 1 from a flywheel.
Fig. 2.149. Order zatyagivagiya of bolts of fastening of covers of radical bearings of a bent shaft
Tighten in the order shown in the figure 2.149 the required moment (25 N · m + 47 ° ±5 °) also tighten bolts of fastening of covers of radical bearings of a bent shaft on the required corner.
Fig. 2.150. Diameter of openings of support of a bent shaft
Measure diameter of openings of support of a bent shaft which has to be within X1 51,936-51,949 mm (fig. 2.150).
Uncover radical bearings of a bent shaft.