2.5. System of an admission and release

Removal and installation of an inlet collector (K4J engine)
Removal and installation of an inlet collector (K4M, F4R engines)
Removal and installation of a final collector (K4J, K4M engines)
Removal and installation of a final collector (F4R engine)

Fig. 2.246. Scheme of an inlet path (K4M engine): 1 – airintaking branch pipe; 2 – mufflers of noise of an admission; 3 – case of the air filter; 4 – block of a butterfly valve; 5 – inlet collector; 6 – lining of cases of nozzles; 7 – air intake

The scheme of an inlet path (the K4M engine see fig. 2.246, the F4R engine – fig. 2.247).

Fig. 2.247. Scheme of an inlet path (F4R engine): 1 – air absorption; 2 – mufflers of noise of an admission; 3 – case of the air filter; 4 – turbocompressor; 5 – airair cooler; 6 – entrance of an inlet distributive collector