2.8. System of decrease in toxicity

Principle of work
Adsorber purge conditions
Removal and check of an adsorber (all engines)
System of ventilation of a case (all engines)
 Principle of work

In normal service conditions the opening with the atmosphere has to be open for the message.

Fig. 2.284. Function chart and arrangement of elements of system of decrease in toxicity: 1 – inlet collector; 2 – electromagnetic valve of a purge of an adsorber; 3 – adsorber; 4 – fuel tank; 5 – a message opening with the atmosphere; 6 – the backpressure valve (only on the F4R 776 engine); 7 – electromagnetic valve of a purge of an adsorber (K4M); 8 – electromagnetic valve of a purge of an adsorber (F4R); 9 – adsorber; 10 – the pipeline of a supply of vapors of gasoline from the fuel tank; 11 – the pipeline of a supply of vapors of gasoline to an inlet collector; 12 – a message tube with the atmosphere of an adsorber