Algorithm of turning on of the compressor of the conditioner
During certain periods of work of EBU of system of injection forbids operation of the compressor of the conditioner.
Algorithm of maintenance of dynamic characteristics of the engine at start-off on rise.
To facilitate start-off of the car on rise, operation of the compressor of the conditioner is forbidden on 20 pages.
Algorithm of protection against excess of the most admissible frequency of rotation of a bent shaft of the engine.
The compressor of the conditioner stops in the following cases:
– instant frequency of rotation of a bent shaft exceeds 6300 min.-1;
– constant frequency of rotation of a bent shaft exceeds 5760 min.-1 during more than 10 pages.
Algorithm of protection against an overheat.
The compressor does not work if temperature of cooling liquid is above 115 °C with a high frequency of rotation of a bent shaft and big load of the engine.
Inclusion conditions:
– at turns of the engine it is higher than 4512 min.-1 also pressure in an inlet collector lower than 700 Mbar.
Switching off conditions:
– after a temporary delay in 10 with are carried out function of the centralized management of temperature of cooling liquid is implemented.