Principle of action of alarm lamps
At start of the engine pressing the button of start "start".
The alarm lamp of "onboard system of diagnostics" lights up approximately on 3 with and then dies away.
At malfunction of system of injection (the 1st severity).
The written message of "injection a controle" (check system of injection) accompanied with inclusion of an alarm lamp of "service" is highlighted. It indicates decrease in level of safety and need of use of the engine for the "sparing" mode. The owner has to eliminate malfunctions in the shortest possible time.
Can be the cause of these malfunctions:
– malfunction of the block of a butterfly valve with the servo-driver;
– malfunction of the sensor of provision of a pedal of an accelerator;
– malfunction of the sensor of absolute pressure;
– malfunction of EBU;
– malfunctions in power-supply circuits of actuation mechanisms;
– malfunctions in EBU power-supply circuit.
At serious malfunction of system of injection (the 2nd severity).
Are highlighted a symbol of red color with the image of the engine and the message of "stop" (only on the matrix display), and there is a written message of "mjection defaillante" (system of injection is faulty) accompanied with fire of an alarm lamp "stop" and a sound signal.
At an engine overheat.
There is a symbol of emergency temperature of the engine (only on the matrix display) with the written message of "surchauffe moteur" (an engine overheat) accompanied with fire of an alarm lamp "stop" and a sound signal. In this case it is necessary to stop the movement immediately.
At detection of the malfunction leading to excess of standards of toxicity of the fulfilled gases.
The alarm lamp of "onboard system of diagnostics" with an engine symbol joins:
– "the blinking light" at malfunction which can lead to destruction of catalytic converter (the admissions of ignition of mix leading to its destruction). In this case it is necessary to stop the movement immediately.
– "constant light" in case of excess of standards of toxicity of the fulfilled gases (at the admissions of ignition of mix leading to increase in toxicity, malfunction of catalytic converter, malfunction of oxygen sensors, discrepancy between signals of oxygen sensors and malfunctions of an adsorber).