3.1.4. Removal of air from a contour between the union for removal of air and the working cylinder of the drive of coupling

Attach the empty syringe with a net volume of 60 cm3 to the end of a transparent tube.
Press a clamp.
Pull together the coupling hydraulic actuator pipeline on one click.
Turn on the installation pump (Ms. 554-07) also let's liquid fill the syringe.
Slowly and completely force out liquid from the syringe in a coupling hydraulic actuator (operation repeat three times).
Close the union for removal of air, having inserted the coupling hydraulic actuator pipeline as soon as liquid begins to follow without bubbles.
Pick up the syringe and the transparent phone from the union for removal of air.
Put on a cap the union for removal of air.
Switch off about ten times and include coupling.
Add liquid in a tank to a tag of the maximum level.
Check operability of coupling. If necessary repeat operation.