4.14. Removal and installation of the back bridge assembled
Switch off the parking brake.
Install the car on the two-rack-mount elevator.
When carrying out this operation it is necessary to fix the car on the elevator by means of a safety remenya of safety to prevent violation of balance of the car.
Remove back wheels.
Remove brake drums.
Install the press device on a brake pedal to reduce amount of the following brake fluid.
Pull out cables of the drive of the parking brake, having shifted the lever by means of flat-nose pliers and the screw-driver.
Fig. 4.43. Detachment of cables of the drive of the parking brake: 1 – drive cables
Disconnect cables of the drive of the parking brake (fig. 4.43).
Remove sensors of speed of rotation of wheels.
Disconnect an electrical wiring of sensors of speed of rotation of wheels from a beam of a back suspension bracket.
Fig. 4.44. Removal of draft of the regulator of brake forces: 1 – unions of connections of rigid pipelines; 2 – draft of the regulator of brake forces
Unscrew unions of connections of rigid pipelines with brake hoses and disconnect draft of the regulator of brake forces (fig. 4.44) from a beam of a back suspension bracket.
Establish a hydraulic jack, put linings and rest a jack against a cup of the right spring, without squeezing a spring.
Note the provision of a spring.
Turn off a bolt of the lower fastening of the shock-absorber by means of the extended head.
Remove a hydraulic jack.
Fig. 4.45. Removal of the left spring
Remove the left spring together with the lower cup (fig. 4.45).
Weaken unions of rigid pipelines on wheel cylinders.
Remove boards of brake mechanisms.
Repeat operations from the opposite side.
If the top cup of a spring was disconnected from a nest, replace it.
Establish a hydraulic jack on the center of a beam of a back suspension bracket.
Fig. 4.46. Fixing of a back suspension bracket and hydraulic jack
Attract a back suspension bracket to a hydraulic jack by means of a safety remenya of safety (fig. 4.46).
Fig. 4.47. Weakening of bolts of fastening of arms of a back suspension bracket: 1 – fastening bolts
Weaken an inhaling of bolts of fastening of arms of a back suspension bracket (fig. 4.47).
Lower a beam of a back suspension bracket by means of a hydraulic jack.
Fig. 4.48. Fixing of a beam of a back suspension bracket by means of belts
Fix a beam of a back suspension bracket on adaptation by means of belts (fig. 4.48 on page 156).
Arrange a beam of a back suspension bracket under the car.
Establish adjusting ledges of arms opposite to the aligning openings.
Wrap fastening bolts, since the left arm.
Fig. 4.49. Installation of brake pipelines
Install brake pipelines in nests (fig. 4.49).
Put away a safety seat belt and a hydraulic jack.
Establish boards of brake mechanisms.
Tighten the required moment:
– bolts of fastening of arms (62 N · l);
– bolts of fastening of boards of brake mechanisms (80 N · l);
– unions of rigid pipelines on wheel cylinders (14 N · l);
– unions of rigid brake pipelines on hoses (14 Nanometers).
Establish cables of the drive of the parking brake.
Make sure that stoppers of cables of the drive of the parking brake are correctly inserted into nests.
– brake drums;
– cups on springs;
– springs in nests;
– establish wires and sensors of speed of rotation of wheels.
Connect conducting of the block of the drive and control of the parking brake to the equalizer.
Rest a hydraulic jack lined against a spring cup.
Squeeze a back suspension bracket.
Wrap bolts of the lower fastening of shock-absorbers.
The final inhaling of bolts of fastening of the shock-absorber is made when the car costs on wheels.
Establish back wheels.
Lower the elevator.
Tighten the required moment:
– nuts of hairpins of fastening of brake drums (175 N · l);
– bolts of the lower fastening of shock-absorbers (105 N · l);
– wheel bolts (105 N · м).
Remove air from the brake system.