Coolant discharge
As the contour of the air conditioning system is equipped only with one filling valve, at some gas stations only the pipeline of high pressure is used.
In certain cases before discharge of coolant let's system work several minutes for ensuring full discharge.
At plum of coolant or when checking charging of a refrigerating contour it is necessary to consider three cases:
1. The engine and the conditioner work;
2. The engine works, but the conditioner does not work;
3. The engine and the conditioner do not work.
The engine and the conditioner work.
Let's the conditioner work before double turning on of the electric fan of the cooling system of the engine then stop the engine.
Carry out the first discharge of coolant (measure its merged quantity), wait 15 min.
Check that relative pressure was lower or equally in 0 bars, renew discharge cycles if pressure not lower or not equally in 0 bars.
Summarize amount of the coolant merged in all cycles.
Charging is considered sufficient if the received sum is equal +35 гр or –100 гр from nominal rate.
The engine works, but the conditioner does not work.
Let's the engine work before double turning on of the electric fan of the cooling system then stop the engine.
Carry out the first discharge of coolant (measure its merged quantity), wait 15 min.
Let's the engine work before double turning on of the electric fan of the cooling system, carry out the second discharge of coolant (measure its merged quantity).
Renew discharge cycles if pressure not lower or not equally in 0 bars.
Summarize amounts of the coolant merged in all cycles.
Charging is considered sufficient if the received sum is equal +35 гр or –100 гр from nominal rate.
The engine and the conditioner do not work.
Carry out the first discharge of coolant (3. The engine and the conditioner do not work.), wait for 2 h.
Renew discharge cycles if pressure not lower or not equally in 0 bars.
Summarize amounts of the coolant merged in all cycles.
Charging is considered sufficient if the received sum is equal +35 гр or –100 гр from nominal rate.
Fig. 8.136. Work of a sitema of conditioning: 1 – compressor; 2 – condenser; 3 – receiver dehumidifier; 4 – pressure sensor; 5 – a reducer with the tubular adjusting gate; 6 – evaporator; 7 – electric fan of salon; 8 – engine cooling system elektooventilyator; 9 – radiator of a siyetema of cooling of the engine; 10 – coolant under high pressure; 11 – steam under low pressure; 12 – steam under high pressure; 13 – filling valve; 14 – salon; 15 – motor compartment; 16 – external air; 17 – to the airdistributing block; 18 – front board; 19 – the external or recirculated air; 20 – a flange of pipelines on a front board