All guards of devices have system of self-diagnostics.
To put system of self-diagnostics in action, it is necessary:
– to insert a card into the reader;
– to press the ADAC button (management of a conclusion of data to the display of the on-board computer);
– to press and hold pressed the button of start of the engine (about 2 c).
The guard of devices at the same time passes into the self-examinatione mode including:
– indication of the self-examinatione mode;
– step deviation of arrows of devices;
– inclusion of all alarm lamps;
– highlighting of all segments of the display;
– indication of the version of the software ("software product");
– indication of amount of the fuel measured in a tank (in liters);
– indication of hour fuel consumption;
– highlighting of the remembered malfunctions or the message "check is normal".
For an exit from the mode of self-diagnostics press zeroings of the counter of a total run the button.