49909390 Installation

Clear the privalochny planes means of DECAPJOINT for dissolution of the stuck laying remains.
Put the list of N and the cleared surface, wait about ten minutes, then remove surplus the wooden pallet.

The Privalochny planes have to be pure, dry and not greasy (do not leave marks from fingers).
If to apply too much sealant, then at an inhaling of bolts of fastening its surplus will be squeezed out outside. Hit of sealant in working liquids can lead to damage of some knots and units (the engine, a radiator, etc.).

Fig. 2.32. Places of putting silicone sealant

Put four points of silicone sealant with a diameter of 5 mm, in places specified by shooters in the figure 2.32.

Fig. 2.33. Places of putting silicone sealant on interface of a forward cover

Apply two drops of silicone sealant with a diameter of 7 mm on interface of a forward cover to the block of cylinders (fig. 2.33).
Install a maslouspokoitel on the block of cylinders.

Fig. 2.34. Check of installation of the pallet of a case of the engine: 1 – uvulas of a maslouspokoitel; 2 – pallet grooves

At installation of the pallet of a case of the engine check that uvulas of a maslouspokoitel entered grooves of the pallet (fig. 2.34).
The planes of the block of cylinders and the pallet of a case from a flywheel are leveled to prevent deformation of a case of coupling.
Install the engine case pallet with new laying.
Establish bolts of fastening of the pallet of a case of the engine, without tightening them.
Establish bolts of fastening of the pallet of a case of the engine from the transmission, without tightening them.

Fig. 2.35. Order of tightening of bolts of fastening of the pallet of a case of the engine

Tighten bolts in the order specified in the figure 2.35 the required moment.