7.3.4. Adjustment of a headlight of head light with a halogen lamp
Install the car on the flat horizontal platform.
Bring to norm air pressure in tires.
Open a cowl.
Make sure that in the luggage compartment there is no freight.
Do not tighten the parking brake.
Put the handle of the switch of the proofreader of light of headlights in position "0".
Install the device for adjustment of light of headlights in front of the car and adjust, using the value shown by the device (–1,0%) depending on complete set level аввтомобиля.
Fig. 7.8. Headlight light adjustment in the vertical plane
Turn the screw A for adjustment in the vertical plane (fig. 7.8).
Fig. 7.9. Headlight light adjustment in the horizontal plane
Turn the screw B for adjustment in the horizontal plane (fig. 7.9).
For access to the adjusting screw in the horizontal plane use an angular six-sided key on 6 mm, entering it via the hatch in a wheel arch.