7.7.5. Block of protection and switching (1337)

The block is located in the switching block of the engine (in a motor compartment).

Fig. 5. Designation of safety locks of the block of protection and switching

Designation of safety locks of the block of protection and switching is shown in fig. 5.
The chains protected by safety locks (depending on car complete set level) are presented in table 5.

Fig. 6. The block located in the switching block of the engine (in a motor compartment)

The block located in the switching block of the engine (in a motor compartment) see fig. 6.
Purpose of contacts and chains (depending on car complete set level) are presented in table 6.

Table 5 of the Chain, protected by safety locks (depending on car complete set level)

 The table 6 Purpose of Contacts and Chains (depending on car complete set level)