7.7.10. Power supply system relay blocks the liquefied oil gas (299)


Fig. 11. The block located in the switching block in a motor compartment under the block of protection and switching (1337)

The block is located in the switching block in a motor compartment under the block of protection and switching (1337) (fig. 11).
Purpose of the relay (the K4M764 engine, depending on car complete set level) are presented in table 11.

Fig. 12. The block fixed on the block stated above

The block fixed on the block stated above is shown in fig. 12.
Purpose of the relay (the K4M764 engine, depending on car complete set level) are presented in table 12.

The table 11 Purpose of the Relay (the K4M764 engine, depending on car complete set level)

The table 12 Purpose of the Relay (the K4M764 engine, depending on car complete set level)