49909390 Check of completely charged rechargeable battery

Establish on the ampermeter (with a limit of measurement 0–5 мА and 0-5 A) the highest limit of measurement. Turn on the ampermeter between a minus conclusion of the battery and a cable of weight. Connect a plus wire of the ampermeter to a plus conclusion of the battery, a minus wire of the ampermeter – to a minus conclusion of the battery.
Switch off everything consumers of the electric power, close all doors and a luggage carrier, switch off a plafond of illumination of a motor compartment.
Switch a limit of measurement of the ampermeter towards reduction until any indications appear (admissible value makes 1–3 мА). Taking out one after another safety locks from the block of safety locks, disconnect consistently all electric chains. If at disconnection of one of chains of the indication fall to 0, then in this chain it is necessary to look for a malfunction source. Possible malfunctions: the rusting or polluted contacts of electric sockets, the ground wires, internal short circuit in electric equipment elements.
If in the chains of malfunction protected by safety locks it is not revealed, disconnect wires from the devices unprotected by safety locks: generator, starter, elements of system of ignition.
If at shutdown of one of the unprotected chains of the indication of the ampermeter fall to 0, repair or replace the corresponding element. At leakage of current in a starter or system of ignition always check (according to the scheme) the switch of ignition and starter.